Some storyboards appear from the canceled 'Tomb Raider II' movie that was going to be directed by Be

In the year 2020, just before the COVID pandemic, filming was to begin on the sequel to Tomb Raider (2018) under the direction of Ben Wheatley and scripted by Amy Jump. Unfortunately, and due to the impossibility of filming due to confinement and restrictive sanitary measures, the project had to be cancelled.
Leaked storyboards by film artist Jake Lunt Davies show Lara diving off Cozumel (Mexico), in what appears to be the start of the film. The action then turns to what appears to be a robbery at Croft Manor.
We hope and wish that Crystal Dynamics and Embracer Group can reach an agreement to be able to make this film a reality at some point and offer a conclusion to the story started by Alicia Vikander in theaters.